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Expectations between a Client and the Vet: Horsemanship Dentistry, Geoff Tucker, DVM
Geoff Tucker, DVM and Horsemanship Dentistry™ Testimonial - Christine Sierau
Geoff Tucker, DVM introduces you to
Geoff Tucker, DVM and Horsemanship Dentistry™ - "The Back Uppers" - video 6 of 8
What Have We Learned About Horse Teeth In 40 Years? By Geoff Tucker, DVM.
Why Are Horse Vets Becoming Harder To Find? By Geoff Tucker, DVM.
Geoff Tucker, DVM and Horsemanship Dentistry™ - "The Lower Arcade" - video 3 of 8
Why Do 50% New Graduates Quit Horse Practice In 5 Years by Geoff Tucker, DVM.
“What Happens When A Horse Gets A Cavity? What Is Tooth Dust?” by Geoff Tucker, DVM
Incisor Reduction is it Worth Possible Death of Your Horse? I WILL NOT do it! Dr. Tucker
Hard Lumps on Younger Horse Jaws and Face. Permanent Teeth moving Baby, Non-Painful Tumors, Bumps
Sugar In Horse Diets by Geoff Tucker, DVM.